CPU-Rasterizer - C A CPU based computer graphics rasterizer with phong shading and camera rotation built from scratch. Capable of rasterizing millions of triangles. Final state of this program showcases modeling important medical models like an aneurysm.
DuckChat - C/C++ A client-server UDP chat application with optional server to server communication. Designed to handle and connect hundreds of user simultaneously. With the optional server to server mode enabled, DuckChat could theoretically deploy servers across the globe to communicate with each other.
tac - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Docker An online call-to-action event organization platform deployed as a progressive web application. Directed the design of the user interface as well as implemented it. tac was built as a decentralized platform that servered as an online bulitin board or a powerline post where people staple fliers. Worked alongside four other developers in a team called nope logistics.
Route Finder - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Docker A multistop navigation PWA. Was in charge of designing the user interface and implemented it. Route Finder was created in order to provide an online solution for people with busy lives with lots of errands and small businesses with many deliveries to be completed in a single round trip. Our product was able to solve the traveling salesperson problem, or TSP, with an 86% optimal solution. An ant colony optimization algorithm was integrated in order to achieve such optimal results. Worked alongside four other developers in a team called nope logistics.
NextUp - Swift, SwiftUI An iOS app designed to help you stay on task by only showing you what is next up. Capable of taking a long to do list of hundereds of tasks and only showing you what the next thing you have to do is. Designed with human psychology in mind to not overwhelm and make a lot of things to do look small and more approachable.
OpenGL-LevelOfDetail - C/C++ A level of detail computer graphics performance demo. Created to test load on a GPU while simulateneously determining what level of detail was required to present a good looking image to the human eye. Drawn spheres were rasterized with varying levels of recursion while also the number of spheres rendered at varied recursion levels. Results were determined by framerate tests and visual inspection.
OpenGL-Dog - C/C++ A dog modeled using OpenGL. The dog was modeled using only spheres and cylinders that were transformed with linear algebra matrix multiplications.
OpenGL-1DTextures - C/C++ 1D Textures demo using OpenGL. Textures were mapped using vertex and fragment shaders with glsl.
ThreeJS-Dog - JavaScript (ThreeJS), HTML, CSS A dog modeled and animated using ThreeJS. The dog was modeled using ThreeJS geometries, materials, and lights. Animation was used to make parts of the dog move and come to life.
My Portfolio - HTML, CSS, JavaScript This website.
LFDucky - HTML, CSS, JavaScript A Flappy Bird clone.
ABOUT: I take photos of my adventures in both black & white and color 35mm film as a hobby. GEAR: My camera is a Canon FTb. I have several lenses ranging from a 28mm prime lens to a 270mm telephoto lens.